Complete Raw Data Collected:
What is your position in the department?
Books: List the title, publisher and year of publication of your book(s) that went to press during the 2012-2013 academic year.
Articles: List the title, journal, and publication date of any journal articles you published in the 2012-2013 academic year.
Presentations: List the name of your paper, conference title, and conference date of any notable conferences you presented at in the 2012-2013 academic year.
Grants: List the title of your proposal, the name of the grant, and the award date for any grants you won in the 2012-2013 academic year.
Awards: List the name of the award, the affiliated institution, and the award date of any awards you received in the 2012-2013 academic year.
Advancement: (alumni & faculty) If you moved to a new school or up in rank (e.g. from Asst. Prof. to Prof.) in the 2012-2013 academic year, please list the details below.
Other: List relevant details of any other achievements in the 2012-2013 academic year below.
Title: (alumni only) Current institutional affiliation, position, PhD year
Alumnus/Alumna Saul Fisher ““Why Architectural Objects Are Abstracta – An Argument from Models”, American Society of Aesthetics, St. Louis, Missouri, October, 2012.
“Merton and Nagel on Functional Explanation”, Ninth History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS) Conference, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June, 2012.
PhD Student Ross Colebrook “A Smaller Self” presented at the NYU-Columbia Graduate Conference (4/6/13).
Alumnus/Alumna Mark Alfano Character as Moral Fiction, Cambridge, 2013 ”Wilde Heuristics and Rum Tum Tuggers: Preference indeterminacy and instability. Synthese, 189:1, 5-15 (2012).
Extending the situationist challenge to responsibilist virtue epistemology. Philosophical Quarterly, 62:247, 223-249 (2012).
The centrality of belief and reflection in Knobe effect cases. (co-authored with James Beebe & Brian Robinson) The Monist, 95:2, 264-289 (2012).
Situationism and virtue theory. (co-authored with Abrol Fairweather) Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy. (2013).” ”How one becomes what one is: The case for a Nietzschean conception of character development. University of North Carolina (May 2013)
How one becomes what one is called: On the relation between traits and trait-terms in Nietzsche. APA Central Division Conference. New Orleans (February 2013)
Some normative implications of indeterminate and unstable preferences. NJ Regional Philosophical Association Conference. Meadowlands (November 2012)
Wilde heuristics and Rum Tum Tuggers. 64th Annual Northwest Philosophy Conference. Oregon State University (October 2012)
Virtue and vice attributions in the business context: An experimental investigation. Buffalo Experimental Philosophy Conference. University at Buffalo (October 2012)
Factitious virtue. Ethics and the Architecture of Personal Dispositions Conference. The Sorbonne (July 2012)” Intellectual humility: The elusive virtue. (co-PI with Daniel Lapsley & Paul Stey) Funded by the John Templeton Foundation through the Fuller Theological Seminary. $262,294. (2013-2015) ”Princeton University Woodrow Wilson School and Center for Human Values, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Values and Public Policy (2012-2013)
0National Institutes of Health, Bioethics Postdoctoral Fellowship (2012, declined)
0NEH Summer Institute in Experimental Philosophy (2012, declined)” In 2011-2, I was a post-doc at Notre Dame. During the spring of 2012, I accepted two appointments: a post-doc at Princeton (2012-3) and an assistant professor position at the University of Oregon (2013-) I also have a monograph on moral psychology under contract with Polity Press, a monograph proposal on Nietzsche under review at Cambridge UP, three edited volumes under contract, 7 articles forthcoming with peer-reviewed journals (including the Monist, Journal of Nietzsche Studies, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, and Journal of Philosophical Research), and 9 chapters in edited volumes forthcoming (including with Cambridge, Oxford, and Routledge).
Alumnus/Alumna Carrie Figdor (University of Iowa). Promoted to Associate Professor with tenure (in spring 2013) ”What is the ‘Cognitive’ in Cognitive Neuroscience? (Neuroethics, 6 (1):105-114. 2013)
New Skepticism about Science (The Philosophers’ Magazine, 60 (-1):51 – 56. 2013)
Quantifying the Gender Gap: An Empirical Study of the Underrepresentation of Women in Philosophy (Hypatia 27 (4): 949-957, 2012; co-authored with Molly Paxton and Valerie Tiberius)” See below for visiting fellowship at Pittsburgh (I won this this year, but it is for 2013-14, so I’m not sure where you want to put it) Will be a Visiting Fellow at the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Philosophy of Science for the academic year 2013-14, working on a monograph tentatively titled “Pieces of Mind: A Humanistic Defense of Mechanistic Explanation of Mind”.
Alumnus/Alumna Richard Brown Brown, R. (ed) Consciousness Inside and Out: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and the Nature of Experience Springer press (it went to press in April and is expected by June 2013) ”
“ ”“Consciousness without First-Order Representations” talk to be presented at the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness 17th Annual Meeting. San Diego, California July 11-15 2013 (this is in the summer so may not count)
“Pain, Painfulness, and Kripke’s Modal Argument” talk to be presented at The Work of Saul Kripke Omaha, Nebraska May 20-23 2013
“The Phenomenology of HOT or, What is it Like to Think That one Thinks that P?” talk presented at the American Philosophical Association Pacific Division 87th Annual Meeting. San Francisco California March 27-31 2013
“The Nature of Phenomenal Consciousness” talk presented at the CUNY Philosophy Fall 2012 Colloquium Series. NY, NY September 5 2012
“ I organized Qualia Fest!
Alumnus/Alumna Jody Azzouni Semantic Perception: How the illusion of a common language arises and persists. ”2012: “”Summary of Talking about Nothing,”” and “”Responses to Gabriele Contessa, Erin Eaker, and Nikk Effingham,”” in (Anthony Ellis, ed.) Analysis Reviews 72/2, 327-29, 366-379.
2012: “”Simple metaphysics and ‘ontological independence,”” in (Fabrice Correia and Benjamin Schnieder, ed.) Metaphysical grounding: Understanding the structure of reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 234-253.
2012: “”Referring to what is and to what isn’t,”” in (William P. Kabasenche, Michael O’ROurke, and Matthew H. Slater, ed.) Reference and referring. The MIT Press, 253-269.” ”
2013: Talking about nothing: Author meets critics session, Central Division of the American Philosophical Association, Spring 2013.”
Alumnus/Alumna Gregg Caruso ”Caruso, Gregg D. (2012). Free Will and Consciousness: ADeterminist Account of the Illusion of Free Will. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Caruso, Gregg D. (ed.) (2013). Exploring the Illusion of Free Will and Moral Responsibility. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
“ ”Recipient of the 2012 Corning Community College Regional Board of Trustees Excellence in Teaching Award, which is awarded for “undisputed excellence” in all five of the following areas: Teaching Performance, Scholarship and Professional Growth, Student Services, Academic Standards and Requirements for Student Performance, and Curriculum Development and Instructional Improvement.
“ ”Promoted to Associate Professor of Philosophy
Corning Community College, SUNY”
Alumnus/Alumna Maria Brincker ”Brincker, M. & Torres, E.B. (2013) “”Noise from the periphery in autism”” Frontiers in Integrated Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fnint.2013.00034
Torres, E.B., Brincker, M., Yanovich, P., Stigler, K., Nurnberger, J., Metaxas, D. & Jose, J. (2013) “”Autism: the micro-movement perspective”” Frontiers in Integrated Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2013.00032
Book chapters:
Brincker, M (in press) “”The Aesthetic Stance – on the conditions and consequences of becoming a beholder””(in press) in Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind: Beyond Art Theory and the Cartesian Mind-Body Dichotomy, by Alfonsina Scarinzi (ed.), New York: Springer.
Brincker, M. (2012) “”En Kropslig Kultur Historie – om omverdens relationen”” In Mennesket. En Introduktion til Filosofisk Antropologi by E. O. Pedersen & A.-M. S. Christensen (eds.) Denmark: Systime. (Eng. Trans.: “A Bodily story of Culture – on the ‘Umwelt’ relation” in The Human. An Introduction to Philosophical Anthropology).
Brincker, M (2012) “If the motor system is no mirror…”” in Payette, N. & Hardy-Vallee (Eds.) Connected Minds: Cognition and Interaction in the Social World. Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
“ ”””The aesthetic stance: on the conditions and consequences of becoming a beholder”” at the 39th meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology at Brown University, (Upcoming: June 2013).
“”The age of context”” invited talk at TEDxCooperUnion, April 2012.
“ Started at University of Massachusetts as Assistant Professor of Philosophy in september 2012, after spending 2011-2012 as Arts and neuroscience fellow at the Italian Academy of advanced studies in America at Columbia University.
Faculty Gary Ostertag ”“The ‘Gödel’ Effect” in Philosophical Studies (published September 2012, Springer Online First)
“Critical Study of Julian Dodd, Works of Music” in Noûs 46 (2012), 355-74. (Published Summer 2012.)
“Descriptive Thought.” In Hal Pashler (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Mind (Sage Publications, January 2013).
“ ”“Fine on Frege’s Puzzle.” Presented at The Philosophy of Kit Fine conference, NYU, January 25-27, 2013.
“Fine on Frege’s Puzzle.” Presented at a seminar on Propositions at the University of Toronto, February 27, 2013.
Comments on Sandeep Sreekumar, “Without Agents or Duties: Aspects of Krishna’s Theory Of Persons and Actions in The Bhagavad Gītā.” Presented at the Columbia Society for Comparative Philosophy, Columbia University, March 1, 2013.
“Kripke, Lewis, and Footnote 13.” To be presented at the University of Nebraska, Omaha, on May 23, at a conference honoring Saul Kripke.
Alumnus/Alumna Mark McEvoy ”“Experimental Mathematics, Computers and the A Priori,”” Synthese, 2013, 190 (3) pp397-412.
“Platonism and The Epistemic Role Puzzle” Philosophia Mathematica , 2012, 20 (3), pp289-304.
“Causal Tracking Reliabilism and the Lottery Problem,” Grazer Philosophische Studien 86 (2012) pp.73-92.
Faculty John Kleinig ”ed. with George Andreopoulos, Special Issue: “Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) and the Quest for Accountability.” Criminal Justice Ethics (Routledge/Taylor & Francis), Vol 31, No. 3 (December 2012), pp. 137-318 .
ed. with P.A.J Waddington & Martin Wright, Professional Police Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, in press, 2013.
“ ”“Framing Failure.” Substance Use and Misuse, XLVII, 13-14 (November-December, 2012), pp. 1366-1372. DOI: 10.3109/10826084.2012.705704
Ian R.H. Rockett, PhD, Michael D. Regier, PhD, Nestor D. Kapusta, MD, Jeffrey H. Coben, MD, Ted R. Miller, PhD, Randy L. Hanzlick, MD, Knox H. Todd, MD, Leslie W. Kennedy, PhD, John Kleinig, PhD, Richard W. Sattin, MD, Gordon S. Smith, MD, “Patterns and Trends in the Leading Causes of Unintentional and Violence-related Injury Mortality: United States, 2000-2009,” American Journal of Public Health (online September 20, 2012), pp. e1-e9: DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2012.300960.
with Nicholas G. Evans, “Human Flourishing, Human Dignity, and Human Rights.” Law and Philosophy. DOI: 10.1007/s10982-012-9153-2 (September 2012)
“Balancing and Trading-Off.” Substance Use and Misuse, XLVII (in press, 2013).
“Applied Ethics Teaching and Unfolding Scenarios.” APA Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy, XII, 2 (Spring 2013), pp. 2-5.
with Tziporah Kasachkoff, “Civil Emergencies and the Claims of Innocence.” In Shooting to Kill: Socio-Legal Perspectives on the Use of Lethal Force, ed. Simon Bronitt, Miriam Gani, and Saskia Hufnagel (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2012), ch 2, pp. 19-46.
“Does the Language of Human Rights have Traction in the ‘War on Terror’?” In G. Andreopoulos (ed.), Human Rights in the Era of Counter-Terrorism: Thinking and Acting in an Emergency. Sterling, VA: Stylus/Kumarian Press, in press, 2013.
“Reflections on Teaching Police Ethics with Scenarios.” In P.A.J. Waddington, John Kleinig, and Martin Wright (eds.), Professional Policing Practice, Oxford: Oxford University Press, in press, 2013, ch 2, 25-42.
“Consent.” In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Ethics, Norton, MA: Wiley-Blackwell 2013.
Review of: Fritz Allhoff, Terrorism, Ticking Time-Bombs, and Torture: A Philosophical Analysis (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012), Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2013″ ”””Correctional Health Care: Further Reflections”” APA Pacific Division (March, 2013), Committee on Medicine and Philosophy
“Legitimate and Illegitimate Uses of Police Force.” May 15-16, 2013, “”Justitia Amplificata: Rethinking Justice – Applied and Global,”” Center for Advanced Study, Goethe-University, Frankfurt .
Faculty Rosamond Rhodes, PhD ”Rhodes R, Battin MP, and Silvers, editors, Medicine and Social Justice: Essays on the Distribution of Health Care, second edition. Oxford University Press: New York (2012).
Rhodes R, Gligorov N, and Schwab A. The Human Microbiome: Ethical Legal, and Social Concerns. Oxford University Press: New York (in press).” ”Rhodes R. Bioethics: Looking Forward and Looking Back. American Journal of Bioethics. 2013; 13(1): 13-16
Human Microbiome Project Consortium. A framework for human microbiome research. Nature. 2012 Jun 13;486(7402):215-21.
Human Microbiome Project Consortium. Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome. Nature. 2012 Jun 13; 486(7402): 207-14.
From the Chair, APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Medicine, Fall 2012. [online]
From the Chair, APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Medicine, Spring 2013. [In press]
Rhodes R.. “Human Microbiome Research and the Social Fabric.” entry in Springer Encyclopedia of Metagenomics, Volume III Humans ( 2012.
Dudzinski DM, Rhodes R, and Fiester A. Pedagogical Goals for Academic Bioethics Programs. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. [In press]
Favia A, Frank L, Gligorov N, Birnbaum S, Cummins P, Fallar R, Ferguson K, Mendis K, Friedman E, and Rhodes R. A Model for the Assessment of Medical Students’ Competency in Medical Ethics. American Journal of Bioethics: Primary Research. [In press]
Humbyrd CJ, Capozzi JD, and Rhodes R. Ethics in Practice: Judgments about Deservingness. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. [In press]
“ ”Dudzinski D., Fiester, A. and Rhodes R. ”Directions & Goals in Bioethics Education: White Paper Project,” Cambridge Consortium for Bioethics Education, Paris, April 11, 2012.
Rhodes R. “Training Medical Students.” Cambridge Consortium for Bioethics Education, Paris, April 11, 2012.
Rhodes R. “Justice Pluralism and the Distribution of Medical Resources.” University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, April 20, 2012.
Rhodes R. “Ethical Principles and the Decision Making Process.” American Foundation for Donation and Transplantation., Living Donation: Essential Donor Team Concerns. St. Petersburg Beach, FL, May 10, 2012.
Rhodes R. “De Minimis Risk: A Proposal for a New Category of Research Risk.” The Future of Human Research Regulation, Harvard Law School, Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics, Cambridge, MA, May 18-19, 2012.
Rhodes R. “The Ethics of Medicine: UnCommon Morality.” A Tribute to Bernard Gert, APA Central Division meetings, New Orleans, LA, February 23, 2013.
Rhodes R and Rhodes ME. “”Ethical Issues Raised by Research on the Human Microbiome and Possibilities of Synthetic Biology.” Ethical Issues in Synthetic Biology Workshop, The Hastings Center, Garrison, NY, March 13, 2013.
Critic of Philip Pettit’s Made With Words: Hobbes on Language, Mind, and Politics. International Hobbes Association session APA Pacific Division, San Francisco, March 28, 2013.
Rhodes R. “Should there be any restrictions on Genomic testing of Newborns?” Pediatric Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City Missouri, April 5, 2013.
Rhodes R. “”The Secret World Inside of You””. American Museum of Natural History, May 1, 2013.” ”1 R25 TW008171-01A1 (Rhodes, R, PI) 7/1/2012- 6/30/ 2017
NIH R25/Fogarty “Research Ethics Education in the Balkans and Black Sea Countries” $1,000,000″ ”KCUR (Kansas City Public Radio), interview for Up to Date with Steve Kraske, “Is It Bioethical? Testing Kids For Adult-Onset Conditions.” April 4, 2013.
Elected President (Sovereign), International Hobbes Association, 2013-2018.”
PhD Student Ben Phillips ”””Indirect Representation and the Self-Representational Theory of Consciousness””, Philosophical Studies (forthcoming) [Published online: Jan 2013]
“”Modified Occam’s Razor””, The Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Vol 90, No. 2, 2012″
Faculty John D Greenwood ”Social facts.’ In B. Kaldis et al (ed.), (2013) Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Human Sciences. London: Sage.
‘History of philosophical psychology.’ In B. Kaldis et al (ed.), (2013) Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Human Sciences. London: Sage.
“ ”All the way up or all the way down? Some critical historical reflections on the distinction between cognition and association.’ Workshop on Animal Cognition: Behavioral Studies and Theory Formation, Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany, June, 2012.
‘The morality of the psychopath.’ National University of Singapore, November, 2012.
‘The peculiar history of vitalism.’ Paper Presented at the Meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Austin, TX, February, 2013.” ”An Evening with Robert Burns.’ A celebration of the life, loves and poetry of Robert Burns. CUNY Graduate Center Public Programs, Thursday, February 21, 2013.
Completed 500k word manuscript of historical novel about Singapore.
First skydive from 12K feet, September 2012. ”
PhD Student Thomas Ferguson ”Extensions of Priest-da Costa Logic,” Studia Logica, 2013, 10.1007/s11225-013-9469-4 (Print to appear) ”””Ramsey’s Footnote and Priest’s Connexive Logics,”” ASL 2012 Logic Colloquium, 7-13-12
“”On the Correctness of the Thomason Embedding,”” UNILOG 2012, 4-4-13
“”Duality in Many-Valued Extensions of Heyting-Brouwer Logic,”” ASL 2013 North American Meeting, 5-8-13″ ”On the Correctness of the Thomason Embedding,” ASL Student Travel Grant, 1-28-13
Faculty Michael Devitt ”“The Role of Intuitions”. In Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Language, Gillian Russell and Delia Graff Fara, eds. New York: Routledge (2012), pp. 554-65.
“Still Against Direct Reference”. In Prospects for Meaning, Richard Schantz, ed. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter (2012), pp. 61-84.
“Hilary and Me: Tracking Putnam on the Realism Debate”. In Reading Putnam, Maria Baghramian, ed. New York: Routledge (2012), pp. 101-20.
“Semantic Epistemology: Response to Machery” Theoria 74 (2012), pp. 229-33.
“ ”“What Makes a Property ‘Semantic’?” and “Usage vs Intuitions”, “Philosophical ‘Oktoberbest’”, University of Tartu, Tartu (Estonia), October 2012.
“What Makes a Property ‘Semantic’?” University of Buffalo, Buffalo, January 2013.
“Whither Experimental Semantics?”, Workshop on “Empirical Data and Philosophical Theorizing”, Barcelona (Spain), October 2012.
“Is There a Place for Truth-Conditional Pragmatics?”, Conference on the philosophy of linguistics, Dubrovnik (Croatia), September 2012.
“Is There a Place for Truth-Conditional Pragmatics?”, University of Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain), October 2012
“Is There a Place for Truth-Conditional Pragmatics?”, Conference on “Current Debates in the Philosophy of Language” at the University of Warsaw, Warsaw (Poland), October 2012
“Is There a Place for Truth-Conditional Pragmatics?”, Aarhus University, Aarhus (Denmark), October 2012.
“Should There Still be a Problem About the Meaning of Proper Names?”, “Second Parma Workshop on Semantics and Pragmatics”, Parma (Italy), September 2012
“Should There Still be a Problem About the Meaning of Proper Names?”, IV Congreso Colombiano de Filosofía, Manizales (Colombia), September 2012
“Should There Still be a Problem About the Meaning of Proper Names?”, Conference on “Current Debates in the Philosophy of Language” at the University of Warsaw, Warsaw (Poland), October 2012;
“Should There Still be a Problem About the Meaning of Proper Names?”University of Helsinki (Finland), October 2012.
“Linguistic Intuitions are not ‘the Voice of Competence’”, delivered at University of Buffalo, Buffalo, January 2013.” President of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology
Faculty Frank M. Kirkland NONE ”1) “On DuBois’ Notion of Double Consciousness” in PHILOSOPHY COMPASS, vol. 8, no. 2 (2013);
2) “Hegel and the Saint Domingue Revolution – Perfect Together?” in LOGOS: A JOURNAL OF MODERN SOCIETY & CULTURE, vol. 11, no. 2-3 (spring/summer 2012).” 1) “How Hegelian Insights Inform Black Atlantic Thought via the Saint Domingue Revolution” at the SOCIETY OF THE ADVANCEMENT OF AMERICAN PHILOSOPHY, 17 March 2012. NONE NONE NONE NONE NA
Alumnus/Alumna Moti Mizrahi ”The Pessimistic Induction: A Bad Argument Gone Too Far. Synthese. Forthcoming.
Does ‘Ought’ Imply ‘Can’ From an Epistemic Point of View? Philosophia. Forthcoming.
On Proving Too Much. Acta Analytica. Forthcoming.
One’s modus ponens is another’s modus tollens: why the argument from zombies against physicalism is question-begging. The Reasoner. Forthcoming.
Why Arguments from Expert Opinion are Weak Arguments. Informal Logic. 2013.
More Intuition Mongering. The Reasoner. 2013.
Intuition Mongering. The Reasoner. 2012.
Why the Ultimate Argument for Scientific Realism Ultimately Fails. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A. 2012.
Idealizations and Scientific Understanding. Philosophical Studies. 2012.” St. John’s University, VAP, PhD 2010
Alumnus/Alumna David Pereplyotchik ”“Review of The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology,” in Metapsychology Online URL:
“Is There Any Evidence for Forward Models in Language Production?” with Myrto I. Mylopoulos (CUNY GC Philosophy), forthcoming in Behavioral and Brain Sciences” Having completed a 1-year Visiting Assistant Professor contract at Hamilton College, I will be taking a tenure-track Assistant Professor position at Kent State University. Hamilton College, Visiting Assistant Professor, PhD 2012
Faculty Iakovos Vasiliou ”- “”Nous and its Objects in Aristotle”” in Proceedings for the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy (2013).
– “”Socratic Irony”” in Nick Smith and John Bussanich (eds.) The Bloomsbury Companion to Socrates (Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, 2013), 20-34.
– “”From the Phaedo to the Republic: Plato’s Tripartite Soul and the Possibility of Non-Philosophical Virtue”” in R. Barney, T. Brennan, and C. Brittain (eds.) Plato and the Divided Self (Cambridge University Press, 2012), 9-32.
“ ”Apr 2013 ””The Nature(s) of Theoretical Intellect in Aristotle’s De Anima””, University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, PA.
Feb 2013 Commentator on Evan Keeling’s “”Aristotle on the Infallibility of Proper-Object Perception: Metaphysics Gamma 5, 1010b1-1011a2″”, American Philosophical Association, Central Division, New Orleans.
Nov 2012 ””The Nature(s) of Theoretical Intellect in Aristotle””, Ancient Philosophy Workshop, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K.
Oct 2012 ””To Know You is to Love You? Plato, Forms, and Moral Motivation””, International Plato Society, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
“ The Graduate Center and Brooklyn College, Professor, Ph.D. 1993
Alumnus/Alumna Carol Dunn ” Plato’s Dialogues – Path to Initiation.
It was published by Portal Books
Faculty Linda Alcoff ”””An Epistemology for the Next Revolution,”” inTransmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Productions of the Luso-Hispanic World, Guest Editor: Nelson Maldonado-Torres. Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2012.
“Philosophy, the Conquest, and the Meaning of Modernity” forthcoming in Human Architecture, special issue guest edited by George Ciccariello-Maher
“Feminism: Then and Now” Journal of Speculative Philosophy 26: 2, 2012.
“Enrique Dussel’s Transmodernism” in Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Productions of the Luso-Hispanic World Volume 1: issue 3, 2012.
“Is there an ‘after’ of identity?” Review Journal of Political Philosophy Vol. 10; September 2012: 3-20.
“”Alien and Alienated”” in Reframing the Practice of Philosophy: Bodies of Color, Bodies of Knowledge edited by George Yancy. Albany: SUNY Press, 2012. 23-44.
“Anti-Latino Racism” in Decolonizing Epistemology: Latina/o Theology and Philosophy edited by Ada-María Isasi Díaz and Eduardo Mendieta. New York: Fordham University Press, 2012. 107-126.
“”The Future of Whiteness”” in Phenomenology, Embodiment and Race edited by Emily Lee, SUNY Press, 2013.
“Foucault’s Normative Epistemology” in Blackwell Companion to Foucault edited by Timothy O’Leary and Jana Sawicki, 2013.” ”February 1: “Rape after Foucault” Brown University
February 7: “Dussel’s Transmodernity” Colorado College Philosophy Dept
February 17-26: gave a series of talks on race, whiteness, xenophobia, University of San Francisco Philosophy Dept
March 2: “The Problem of Identity” Africana Philosophy Conference, Brooklyn College
March 7: :Social Identity”” Central Arkansas University
March 15: “Decolonizing Philosophy” Latin American Philosophy Panel; Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, Fordham University
March 16-17: “Occupying Theory” Left Forum. Radical Philosophy Association Panel
March 30: Dartmouth Gramlich Lecture
April 21: Comment on Sally Haslanger paper, CUNY GC Philosophy dept
April 25: Panel on Latin American Thought, CUNY GC
April 27-28: John Carroll University, Latina Philosophy Roundtable
May 3: “Rape after Foucault” New School Philosophy Dept.
June 28-30: Humboldt University, Berlin “collectivity beyond identity” conference
July 9-15: teaching a week long course on ‘decolonizing epistemology’ in Barcelona
Sept 7: Reykjavik, Iceland, “”The Politics of Philosophy””
Sept 28: “”Rape after Foucault”” Villanova University Dept of Philosophy
Oct 19-20: “”Rape and resistance”” Marist College
Nov. 1: SPEP, Rochester, panel on diversity
Nov. 14: “”Anti-Latino Racism”” Columbia University
2012 Presidential Address to the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division
“”The Politics of Philosophy”” University of Oslo January 22-26
University of Louisville February 18 “”The Future of whiteness””
Transylvania University February 19 “”Social identities””
Stony Brook University Latino Philosophy Conference March 15-17 “”Decolonizing philosophy””
Pacific APA San Francisco March 29 “”Comment on Tremain””
Berkeley April 1 “”Decolonizing feminism””
UC Denver April 2 “”The future of whiteness””
This summer I will be speaking at conferences in Madrid and Dubrovnik and teaching a course on decolonizing knowledge in Barcelona. “ ”2012-2013 I am currently serving as President of the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division.
I am also serving a one of the three co-editors of Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy”
Alumnus/Alumna James M. Dow Visiting Assistant Professor to Assistant Professor Assistant Professor, Philosophy Hendrix College
Faculty Cahn, Steven ”Polishing Your Prose: How to Turn First Drafts Into Finished Work, Columbia University Press, 2013
editor: Classics of Western Philosophy, Hackett Publishing Company, 8th edition, 2013
Classic and Contemporary Readings in the Philosophy of Education, Oxford University Press, 2012
Exploring Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology, 5th edition, 2012
Classics of Political and Moral Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 2012
co-editor: Philosophical Horizons: Introductory Readings, Thomson/Wadwsorth. 2012
Political Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century, Westview Press, 2013″ ”
articles: “”The Altruism Puzzle,”” and “”Comment”” in Journal of Social Philosophy, Summer, 2013
“”Choosing the Experience Machine,”” co-author, Philosophy in the Contemporary World, Spring, 2012″
Faculty Tziporah Kasachkoff ” “” Punishment: Do Criteria of Its Application Vary According to Context?”
chapter in: When Young People Break the Law: Debating Issues on Punishment for Juveniles
eds., Karsten J. Struhl and Kimora (IDEBATE Press) 2013
“Teaching a Course On Sexual Morality”
APA Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy, Volume 12, No. 1Fall, 2012″ ” “”Using Multiple-Choice Examinations to Assess Learning in Philosophy: An Assessment””
American Association of Philosophy Teachers 19th International
Workshop-Conference on Teaching Philosophy, July 2012 “ ” Co-Editor:
APA Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy
Associate Editor:
Criminal Justice Ethics
· Organizer (with Bill Anelli) of American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meetings for the American Association of Philosophy Teachers: “Philosophy Discussions Online: How to Make them Productive, Effective and Efficient,” San Francisco, March, 2013.”
PhD Student Shawn Simpson Title: “Parallels between James and Carnap on Philosophical Systems and the Role of Temperaments”; Conference name: Arizona State University Philosophy Graduate Conference; Conference Date: April 5th-6th 2013 Graduate Center, CUNY, PhD student, 1st year
PhD Student Carissa Véliz Showing Compassion for Wrongdoers. Philosophy Symposium. Case Western Reserve University. April 1st, 2013. Moral habits. Beca La Caixa. April 2013. Second Prize, Spanish National Award for Academic Excellence. April 2013. ”Co-organizer for the CUNY Graduate Student Conference, Experimental Philosophy: Possibilities and Limits. April 2013.
Accepted as a Research Fellow for the Mind and Life Summer Research Institute 2013.”
PhD Student Elmar Geir Unnsteinsson ”1. “”The Myth of the Presemantic.”” Theories of Communication. International Summer School in Cognitive Sciences and Semantics. Pumpuri, Latvia, July 2012.
2. “”Wittgenstein on Intention and Interpretation.”” In Wittgenstein’s Footsteps. Reykjavík, Iceland, September 2012.
3. “”Representation without Thought.”” The Cognitive Science Symposium. CUNY Graduate Center, December 2012.
4. “”Representation without Thought.”” 9th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication. Perception and Concepts. Riga, Latvia, May 2013.” ”Intention, Interpretation, and Semantics.” Doctoral Student Research Grant Competition #7. Award period: February 1, 2012 – January 31, 2013.
PhD Student Jake Quilty-Dunn CogSci presentation, “Direct Perception and Representation” on March 15, 2013
Faculty Peter Ross ”“Existence Problems in Philosophy and Science,” forthcoming in Synthese. Co-authored with Dale Turner
(Accepted 3/6/13; Online First 3/21/13)” Served on Program Committee for 2013 Pacific Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association (San Francisco, March 27-30) California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, Professor, PhD 1997
Alumnus/Alumna Michael Nair-Collins ”Nair-Collins, M. (2013). “Brain death, paternalism, and the language of ‘death’”, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 23(1): 53-104.
De Sanctis, P., Foxe, J.J., Czobor, P., Wylie, G.R., Kamiel, S.M., Huening, J., Nair-Collins, M., & Krakowski, M.I. (2012). “Early sensory-perceptual processing deficits for affectively valenced inputs are more pronounced in schizophrenia patients with a history of violence than in their non-violent peers,” Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. doi: 10.1093/scan/nss052.
“ ”“Misinformation about brain death: Ethical challenges for providers,” presented at the Florida Bioethics Network 21st Annual Meeting, 4/513, Miami, FL.
“Professor Gert’s views on death: An analysis and critique,” presented at the American Philosophical Association Central Division 110th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2/23/13, and at the Three Rivers Philosophy (TRiP) Conference, University of South Carolina, 4/12/13
“ ”Responsible Conduct of Research and Creativity & Professional Standards Award, Graduate School and Office of Research, Florida State University (2013)
Proposal: “A proposal for curriculum development on responsible conduct of research at Florida State University”
First Year Assistant Professor Research Grant, Florida State University (2012)
Proposal: “Consciousness and the vegetative state: Evidence and ethics”
“ ”Book chapters:
Nair-Collins, M. (2012). “Representation in biological systems: Teleofunction, etiology, and structural preservation,” in Swan, L., ed., Origins of Mind, pp. 161-185. Springer.
Nair-Collins, M. & Hitt, J. (2012). “Justice, profound neurological injury, and brain death,” in Rhodes, R., Battin, M., & Silvers, A., eds., Medicine and Social Justice, volume 2, pp. 485-504. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
“ Florida State University College of Medicine, Assistant Professor, PhD 2010
PhD Student Katherine Mendis ”The Foundations of a Duty to Donate Organs,” delivered at “International Bioethics Workshop: Organ Transplantation in Times of Donor Shortage–Challenges and Solutions,” Munich, Germany, February 26, 2013.
Faculty Rohit Parikh Logic at the Crossroads (set): Proof, Computation and Agency Games, Norms and Reasons by Amitabha Gupta, Rohit Parikh, Johan van Benthem and Eric Pacuit (Dec 19, 2012). Synthese Library, Springer. Parikh, Rohit, Cagil Tasdemir and Andreas Witzel. “The Power of Knowledge in Games.” International Game Theory Review., to appear 2013 ” 1) “”Epistemic Reasoning in Life and Literature.”” Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge 2013. Chennai, India, Jan 8.
2) “”Some Thoughts on Kripke’s Puzzle About Time and Thought.”” Indian Conference in Logic and Applications 2013. Chennai, India, Jan. 10.
3) “”Justified True Belief: Socrates, Gettier and Turing.”” Joint work with Adriana Renero, CUNY doctoral student. TARK 2013. Chennai, India, Jan 12.
4) Signaling with an Audience (with Farishta Satari), Society for Exact Philosophy, Montreal 2013.” Epistemic Logic and Its Applications, Research Foundaion of CUNY, 2012-2013. Program committee member for two conferences, Commonsense 2013 and Knowledge Representation 2012.
Faculty omar dahbour ”Self-Determination without Nationalism: A Theory of Postnational Sovereignty, Temple University Press, 2013
“ ”Associate Professor to Full Professor
Alumnus/Alumna Hidenori Kurokawa “Tableaux and Hypersequents for Justification Logics,” H. Kurokawa Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Vol. 163, issue 7, 831-853, 2012. ”””Numbers, constructive truth, and the Kreisel-Goodman paradox”” (joint work with Walter Dean), presented at Numbers and Truth, Gothenburg, Oct 2012
“”Kreisel’s second clause and the Theory of Constructions”” (joint work with Walter Dean), presented at the Second Conference on Proof-theoretic Semantics, Tuebingen, March 2013″ I am now affiliated with the department of informatics at Kobe Univesity in Japan as a (part-time) postdoc researcher. Kobe University, Postdoc
Faculty Gerald A. Press Editor, The Continuum Companion to Plato. London: Continuum International Publishing, 2012. ”“Digital Transitions,” Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (2012), 471-76.
“ Commentator, Miriam Byrd, “When Middle Comes Early,” Boston Area Colloquium on Ancient Philosophy, March 22, 2012 ”Article “Charmides” in Gerald A. Press, ed., Continuum Companion to Plato. London: Continuum International Publishing, 2012. Pp. 41-43.
Article “Anonymity” in Gerald A. Press, ed., Continuum Companion to Plato. London: Continuum International Publishing, 2012. Pp. 101-103.
Article “History” in Gerald A. Press, ed., Continuum Companion to Plato. London: Continuum International Publishing, 2012. Pp. 107-108.
Review of Catherine Zuckert, Plato’s Philosophers. Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (2012), 133-135.”
Faculty Nickolas Pappas Guidebook to Plato’s Republic, Routledge, 2013 (third edition). ”“The Impiety of the Imitator in Republic 10,” Epoché 17 (2013): 219-232.
“Republic” and “Menexenus,” entries in Gerald Press (ed.) The Continuum Companion to Plato, London, Continuum Press 2012, pp. 71-72 & 87-91.
“Magic and Art in Vertigo,” in Katalin Makkai (ed.) Essays on Vertigo, London, Routledge 2012, pp. 18-44.
“Aristotle,” in Berys Gaut and Dominic Lopes (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics, 3rd edition. London, Routledge, 2012 (forthcoming).
“Plato on Poetry: Imitation or Inspiration?” Philosophy Compass 10 (2012): 1-10. Electronic publication.” “The Story that Philosophers will be Telling of the Sophist.” Workshop on Plato’s Sophist, Seattle, November 2012. “Plato’s Aesthetics,” in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Electronic publication: Revised in 2012 from original 2007 entry.
PhD Student Monique Whitaker ”(Not sure if this upcoming presentation in June counts for this academic year or next.)
‘Naturalness as Moral Proxy: Deriving racial, gender, and species privilege from the naturalistic fallacy’, North American Conference for Critical Animal Studies, June 20–22, 2013″
Alumnus/Alumna Brian Robinson ”Virtue and Vice Attributions in the Business Context: An Experimental Investigation” (2013) Journal of Business Ethics. The Journal of Business Ethics. (with P. Stey & M. Alfano). DOI 10.1007/s10551-013-1676-4 Intellectual Humility: The Elusive Virtue – The Science of Intellectual Humility Project. March 2013 Grand Valley State University, Visiting Assistant Professor, PhD 2011
PhD Student Daniel Weissglass ”Formal Architectures for Externalist Cognition”, presented in November 2012 at the Cave Hill Philosophy Symposium in Cave Hill, Barbados
PhD Student Rachel McKinney comments on Leo Yan’s “Externalist Accounts of Racial Epithets,” Pacific APA, San Francisco 2013 Doctoral Student Research Grant 2013-2014
Faculty Carol Gould ”“Retrieving Positive Freedom and why it Matters,” in Isaiah Berlin and the Politics of Freedom” ‘Two Concepts of Liberty’ 50 Years Later, ed. Bruce Baum and Robert Nichols (New York: Routledge, 2013).
“Is there a Human Right to Democracy?” in Human Rights: The Hard Questions, ed. Cindy Holder and David Reidy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).
“Beyond the Dual Crisis: From Climate Change to Democratic Change,” Response to Question for a Resilient Future: “Can Democracy in Crisis deal with the Climate Crisis? Center for Humans and Nature, 2012.—carol-gould-response-50.php
“ “Violence, Power-With and the Human Right to Democracy,” International Political Science Association Conference, Madrid, Spain, July 9th, 2012; and the Social and Political Philosophy Workshop (SPP), Graduate Center, CUNY, February 21, 2013. ”Co-Director, Mellon Sawyer Seminar Series, The Graduate Center, CUNY, “Democratic Citizenship and the Recognition of Cultural Differences.” 14 seminars with distinguished speakers throughout the 2012-13 academic year, based on Mellon Foundation grant awarded 2011.
Co-Editor (as Senior Scholar, Center for Humans and Nature): Set of thirteen scholar responses to the question “Can democracy in crisis deal with the climate crisis?”–question-7.php
Alumnus/Alumna Gregg Caruso ”Caruso, Gregg D. (2012). Free Will and Consciousness: ADeterminist Account of the Illusion of Free Will. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Caruso, Gregg D. (ed.) (2013). Exploring the Illusion of Free Will and Moral Responsibility. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
[Includes original contributions by Derk Pereboom, Galen Strawson, Ted Honderich, Bruce Waller, Neil Levy, Saul Smilansky, Thomas Nadelhoffer and Daniela Goya Tocchetto, Benjamin Vilhauer, Susan Blackmore, Manuel Vargas, Shaun Nichols, John-Dylan Haynes and Michael Pauen, Thomas W. Clark, Mark Hallett, Susan Pockett, and Maureen Sie.]
“ ”””Introduction: Exploring the Illusion of Free Will and Moral Responsibility,”” in Exploring the Illusion of Free Will and Moral Responsibility, ed. Gregg D. Caruso, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (2013).
“ ”Recipient of the 2012 CCC Regional Board of Trustees Excellence in Teaching Award, which is awarded for “undisputed excellence” in all five of the following criteria areas: Teaching Performance, Scholarship and Professional Growth, Student Services, Academic Standards and Requirements for Student Performance, and Curriculum Development and Instructional Improvement.
“ Promoted to Associate Professor of Philosophy Associate Professor of Philosophy and Chair of the Humanities Department, Corning Community College (SUNY). PHD 2011
PhD Student Laura W. Kane ”Paper: “”On Hegel, Women, and Family Life: Why the Family Has the Potential to be an Important Vehicle for Social Change.””
Conference: 30th International Social Philosophy Conference at Quinnipiac University
Date: July 11-13, 2013″ 2013-2014 CUNY Graduate Center Digital Initiatives Fellowship
PhD Student Elvira Basevich ”“Simone de Beauvoir,” in Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan Press (2014)
“Stroud’s Dissatisfaction with Kant: On the Indispensability of ‘Certain Ways of Thinking,’” in Metaphysics or Modernity, Bamberg: Bamberg University Press (2013)
“Foucaultian Resonances: Agamben on Race, Citizenship, and The Modern State,” in Sofia Philosophical Review Vol. VI, No. 2, 2012.
“ ”“Arendt and Habermas on the Purpose of Politics: A Defense of Ethical Normativity,” Ideals and Reality in Social Ethics Conference, University of Wales (March 2013)
“The Normative Dimension of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,” Critical Theory Conference: Principles of Uncertainty, The Graduate Center, CUNY (March 2012)” ”CUNY Travel Grant, The Graduate Center, CUNY 2013 ”
Faculty Noel Carroll ”Authored, Living in an Artworld
Authored, Art on Three Dimensions
Edited with John Gibson, Narrative, Emotion and Insight” Graduate center, Cuny
Alumnus/Alumna Chalmers C. Clark, ”“Shared Obligations and ‘Medical Friendships’ in Assisted Dying: Moral and Psychological Repercussions Reconsidered.” Kimsma, Gerrit K and Chalmers C Clark,in: Stuart J Youngner, Gerrit K Kimsma, Physician-Asisted Death in Perspective, Cambridge University Press, 2012: 263-277
Taught “”Public Health Ethics,”” Yale Bioethics Center, Summer Bioethics Institute: 2011/2012 (scheduled for summer 2013)
Scheduled to speak on: “”Facing The Victims. A Philosophical Look at Disaster Preparedness.”” Disaster Behavioral Health Conference, July 12th, 2013, University of Nebraska Public Policy Center, Lincoln, NE
“ Union College, Union Graduate College (School of Mabnagement), Neiswanger Bioethics Institute (Stritch School of Medicine [Loyola, Chicago]), Adjunct Professor, PhD 1994
4/26/2013 22:36:45 PhD Student Lily Frank ”””Health, Healthcare, and the Contraception Requirement”””, American Philosophical Association, Committee on Philosophy and Medicine, Atlanta, GA, December 2012 (Panel Participant)
“Getting Bioethics Wrong: The Role of Bioethics in Metaethical Arguments about Moral Progress and Agreement”, Association for Bioethics and the Humanities Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., October 2012 (Poster)
“De Minims Risk and Human Microbiome Research”, Mount Sinai School of Medicine Bioethics Conference, New York, NY, October 2012
Alumnus/Alumna susana nuccetelli ”Ethical Naturalism: Current Debates (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012)
Co-edited with Gary Seay. Contributors include Frank Jackson, Michael Smith, Gilbert Harman, David Copp, Michael Ridge, Richard Joyce, Robert Audi, Robert Shaver, Terence Cuneo, Sergio Tenenbaum, Nuccetelli and Seay, and Roger Crisp.
“ ”“Reasoning, Normativity, and Experimental Philosophy.” American Philosophical Quarterly vol. 49, 2, 2012: 151-163 (with G. Seay).
“Latin American Ethics.” International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hugh LaFollette ed., Wiley-Blackwell, 2012).
“How to Solve the Invisibility Problem for Spanish and Latin American Philosophy,” Teorema XXXI, 1, 2012: 129-138.
“Does Analytical Ethical Naturalism Rest on a Mistake?” (with G. Seay) In Ethical Naturalism: Current Debates, Nuccetelli and Seay eds., Cambridge University Press, 2012: 131-43.
“ ”Reasoning, Reflective Equilibrium, and Skepticism about Cognitive Diversity”, APA Eastern div. meeting, Dec. 2012, especial session on experimental philosophy. st. cloud state university, MN, PhD 1998
PhD Student Antonella Mallozzi ”Scrutability and Negative Facts”, Rudolf Carnap Lectures 2013 with Prof. David Chalmers, May 21-24th, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany) PhD candidate, 2nd year
Faculty Alberto CORDERO ”(+) “Conversations across Meaning Variance”. Science & Education. Printed version, , Spring 2013. Also available to licensed libraries and institutions as an Online First article on SpringerLink [(DOI) 10.1007/s11191-012-9540-y].
+ “Explanatory Elucidation and Scientific Realism”. Epistemologia (XXXV, 2012): 59-70.
+ “Mario Bunge’s Scientific Realsm”. Science & Education (Vol. 21, 2012): 1319-1435.
+ “Scientific Realism and the Divide et Impera Strategy: The Ether Saga Revisited. Philosophy of Science (Vol. 78, 2011; out in 2012): 1120-1130.
“ ”(**) “Quantum Non-locality”, as part of A Tribute to Ernst Specker , X International Congress of Ontology, San Sebastian, Spain, October 2012.
(**) “Realism and the Growth of Theoretical Knowledge”, X International Congress of Ontology, San Sebastian, Spain, October 2012.
(**) “Interés de la Filosofía de la Ciencia en América Latina”. Lecture upon admission to the Cloister of Doctors/ honorary doctorate by Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima-Peru, July 2012
(**) “Interpretaciones Instrumentalistas y Realistas en Torno a la Ciencia Contemporánea”, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima-Peru, July 2012
(**) “Vigencia del Realismo Crítico”, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima-Peru, June 2012.
(**) Lecture Series: La Recepción Crítica de la Obra de Darwin,” Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Faculty of Letters), Lima-Peru, June-July 2012.
“ ”The Research Foundation CUNY: PSC-CUNY Award (2012-2013): Research in Cambridge-England.
“ ”-Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru (oldest university in continuous function in the Americas (since 1548).
-Honorary Professor, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru.
PhD Student Amanda Bryant SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) Doctoral Fellowship
Blog was absolutely fantastic! Lots of great information and inspiration, both of which we all need! B Keep ’em coming … You all do a great job at such concepts … can not tell you how much I, for one appreciate all you do!